Kong from Kong: Skull Island (2017) joins Hiya's Exquisite Basic series! The story follows a group of scientists embark on an expedition to an uncharted island in the Pacific, only to discover the domain of the colossal Kong and must fight for survival in primitive Eden.
Kong stands approx. 15 cm tall, faithfully replicating his appearance in Kong: Skull Island. Whether Kong's intimidating gaze or battle scars on his chest, every detail is finely crafted, emphasizing the majestic power of the ruler of Skull Island. With up to 21 points of articulation, including optimized shoulder joints for a broader range of movement, it can strike a wide variety of poses. Additionally, it includes the tree trunk for dueling with the Skull Devil. Moreover, it includes 4 pairs of interchangeable hands, allowing you to recreate Kong's iconic poses from the film.
In addition to the stern and composed expression, an additional interchangeable head enables you to vividly recreate Kong's powerful and heroic presence as seen in the Skull Island movie!