In the highly popular world of Harry Potter, authored by J.K Rowling, stands the famous school of wizardry that inspired generations of children and adults alike. Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where so much of the action from the books and movies takes place has come to represent the central magic of the overall story. To commemorate the 20th university of the series, Beast Kingdom's 'Entertainment Experience Brand' proudly takes fans back to the school with an incredibly detailed statue recreation under the Mastercraft line.
The Mastercraft series provide years of experience to fans looking for the highest grade of collectables. The statue of the famous school accurately recreates the magical building with intricate detail down the windows and towering spires. Using high grade paint, each statue is hand painted and finished to the highest degree of quality. Explore each party of the connecting buildings and the grounds where Harry Potter and his friends had so many adventures.
The statue is limited to 3000 pieces worldwide, with each including an uniquely numbered, iron set plaque.
Size: 41 x 40 x 32 cm.